Foothills Park & Recreation District (FHPRD) is located in Unincorporated Jefferson County (mailing address Littleton, Colorado). We are located in Southwest Metro Denver. District residents receive a discount on fees, but our facilities, classes and events are open to the public including three recreation centers, one 2-sheet ice arena, four indoor and four outdoor swimming pools and an indoor sports arena. Foothills' land inventory of 70 park sites total more than 2,400 acres including: four regional parks, 43 community and neighborhood parks, 21 greenbelts and two golf courses (totaling 54 holes). Additionally, Foothills manages six regional trail corridors totaling 14.9 miles for public use. There are also approximately 17.6 miles of internal park trails. FHPRD is a special district founded in 1959, not part of the City of Littleton or Jefferson County. It is a separate agency with its own taxing authority and no affiliation with any other government agency. Special districts are created by state law to serve specific community needs - recreation, fire protection, water, etc. Our specific focus is on parks and recreational facilities and activities only.